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Solo Competition Junior Section (Free Piece)


Junior 1: 6-7 years old 歲

Junior 2: 8-9 years old

    Junior 3: 10-11 years old

    Junior 4: 12-13 years old

  1. Entrants of Junior Section (Junior 1-4) will compete in Sub-Groups. Boys and Girls compete together in same age group.
    初級組參賽者 (Junior 1-4) 將以小組形式作賽。相同年齡組別之男、女參賽者,將被安排於同一組別作賽。


  2. Age of entrants is strictly determined as of 3rd September, 2023.


  3. Choreography must be based on classical ballet techniques.


  4. Select your own music, time limitation within 2 minutes. Any music from BGSA2022 set-pieces or other existing public examination syllabus (e.g. RAD) are not allowed to be used.
    可自行選擇一首限時 2 分鐘內的音樂。參賽者不可選用任何於本比賽之指定選段範圍內的音樂或現有公開考試(例如﹕RAD) 的考試範圍內的音樂參賽。


  5. Female entrants can perform in soft or pointe shoes.


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Unit 507, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

© 2023 The Hong Kong Ballet Group

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